May 18-22.
The online seminar «DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL POLICY OF THE REGION», scheduled for May, began with a lecture by the district mayor.
It has become a tradition to conduct guest lectures with the participation of public figures, the best in the sphere of civil service, leaders of regions, districts and cities. This trend continues in the online format. Today, the guest lecture was held by the akim of the Ayteke bi region Ermaganbetov Darkhan Zhanyskhanovich. The webinar on the theme “Development of industrial policy and attracting investment in the region” aroused the interest of the audience. Listeners asked questions, which were answered by a professional in this sphere for several years.
Topics covered in this seminar:
– Development of industrial policy and attracting investment in the region;
– Industrial policy: the basic concept and modern content;
– The importance and methods of coaching in managing the region;
– Strengths and weaknesses of the industrial development of the region;
– Opportunities for business development in the Aktobe region;
– The role of time management in the development of industrial policy in the region;
– Industrial policy and directions of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage;
– The importance of project management in the development of the industrial policy of the region;
– The importance of digitalization in the development of territorial industrial policy;
– The role of businesswomen in the development of industrial policy;
Listeners develop leadership skills, initiative, self-development, strategic thinking, competence in decision-making. All this is achieved through participation in webinars, brainstorming sessions, interactive discussions, in the field of organizing and supporting investment activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
It should be noted that at the end of the seminar, participants will develop and defend project work on the development of the non-resource sector of the region.